Centrepiece Open Studios 2011
I opened my new studio up yesterday for Centrepiece’s annual Open Studios. I really wasn’t sure what to expect so I was pleasantly suprised by the steady stream of visitors who came around, had a look at what I do and occasionally watched me solder something (but mostly watched me drink tea).

I was also suprised by how much I enjoyed it. I mean, I like talking to people at show when I sell my work but then I’m very much in a ‘retailing’ situation then. This was nice because when they expressed an interest in my work I could show them works in progress, things that were half made so that they could see the construction, or even, in one case get some advice on what I was currently making. It felt a lot more friendly and informal being in my own space and no one really minded that I was covered in workshop dust – today it just added to my artisan charm.
I also got to use the day as a little guilt free experimentation time – I had a play with a couple of ideas for expanding a new range I’m working on:

and got instant feedback on it from the people coming around, which was very nice indeed. I’m taking my bench on the road next weekend for the Worcestershire Arts Trail – so I’ll see how these pieces develop out in the Worcestershire sunshine.