All Change: Relocation Plans
With the turn of a fresh, new year it’s time to announce my big plans for 2018:

At the beginning of March 2018 I’ll be closing my workshop in the Jewellery Quarter and moving my business to the Cornish seaside. I’ll re-open in a brand new studio near Falmouth sometime in April, before properly introducing myself to the South West at the Contemporary Craft Festival, in June.
Moving is a change that I’ve thought about and talked about for a long time, much of my work is inspired by the coastal landscape and so it makes sense to work surrounded by that environment. I’m really excited for this new chapter in my working life and the prospect of such easy access to the sea!
I still plan to run wedding rings workshops, attend shows and, of course, take on commissions but there will be a short gap in proceedings while I move all of my tools. Look out for further updates as I clean out and pack up the current workshop.