The Heart Cutter from Wisconsin
A very exciting parcel arrived at the workshop last Friday:

Last year I invested in a Swanstrom disc cutter from Rio Grande and, without doubt, it’s one of the best tools that I own. This year those clever folks at Swanstrom have designed shaped cutters and my latest acquisition is this little heart shaped beauty:

Naturally I had it out on my bench and cutting things in under 3 minutes – and the little hearts come out just perfectly:

So I grabbed some spare silver and made a heart shaped version of my larger Flotsam pendants:

I’m really pleased with how well it came out, it’s neat, lovely and slightly more floral my usual. I think it’ll be just perfect for valentines.
I polished it up and the final piece is here:

To celebrate the new cutter (I know, I’m a little crazy about tools …) I’m going to run a Valentines Giveaway so, if you’d like to win the first product of the new cutter, then check out the details here.

(… and here’s a quick final shot of my disc cutter, Albie, and Winnie (of Wisconsin) nestled safely together on the bench. Aw!)